![Neo Modernism 簡約現代主義](https://www.goodliving.com.hk/storage/media/About/aw1.jpg)
精裝修 輕奢華 室內設計 裝修專家
Since being established in 2009, Good Living Design & Decoration Co. has been a renowned Hong Kong professional one-stop interior design and build service team. We customize different high-grade designs for residences and commercial units in Hong Kong. In addition to the designs, we can also provide comprehensive resolution plans, from design and construction to project management and maintenance.
Good Living design based on three core ideas: our passion in innovation motivates us to produce stunning and high individuation works; we pursue the concept of “Simple but Elegant” through practicing modern simplicity and architectural design with aesthetic breakthroughs; by promoting the principle of “form follows function,” we create spacious and emotionally evoking environments while being meticulous in every details.
Our designers engage in every stage of production and enthusiastically look for ways to improve our designs. Such dedication has brought us trust and compliments from our clients, as well as recognition and honors in the industry, which many of our works have appeared in professional magazines.
好生活室內設計工程公司的設計理念以三個核心為基礎:秉持度身創作的理念,塑造獨具個性與品味的懾人作品;追求 "簡約 但 不簡單" 的港式優雅精裝輕奢設計風格,以現代簡約的建築設計意念創造突破性的藝術美感;貫徹將形態與功能巧妙地結合,塑造出刺激感官及具視覺美的室內空間。無論北歐極簡風、美式典雅風、日式無印風、新中式風等不同文化的現代設計風格,我們都能化繁為簡、去蕪存菁,營造獨一無二、感動心靈、以人為本的時代個性化氛圍。
好生活室內設計工程公司的每個項目從概念與佈局,以至物料擺設及配搭等各個細節,設計師都親力親為,積極找出潛在的改善空間,不斷改進,推陳出新,憑藉這份對設計的執著及認真,Good Living Interior Design 的作品獲得了客戶的信賴及讚美,更在室內設計界獲得好評及榮譽,經常被傳媒報道並被刋登在很多專業的室內設計雜誌上得到肯定與推薦。